胰腺癌化学药物治疗方案(Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer).doc

胰腺癌化学药物治疗方案(Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer).doc

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胰腺癌化学药物治疗方案(Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer)

胰腺癌化学药物治疗方案(Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer) Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer Single drug chemotherapy The influence of 5- (5-fluorouracil, 5-FU) is the most widely used drug for the chemotherapy of pancreatic cancer, which belongs to the anti metabolism drugs, in vivo into 5- floxuridine, affecting the synthesis of DNA, is the first reported for chemotherapy, the treatment of pancreatic cancer in 1. Due to the lack of a unified efficacy evaluation criteria, the rates of response to 5-FU reported by individual patients vary greatly. Stephen 7 a phase III clinical trial of 187 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer patients, 5-FU dose of 500mg*m - 2*d - 1, continuous intravenous injection of 5D, 5 weeks as 1 course of treatment, the response rate was 7%, the average survival time was 4.5 months; but in recent years, studies have reported that intravenous administration of 5-FU alone the reaction rate of up to 15% 8. Based on 5-FU chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy (radiotherapy) can significantly prolong the survival time of tumor animal model, people carried out the use of radiotherapy and radiotherapy alone combined with 5-FU treatment of pancreatic cancer in a prospective randomized trial. In order to survival as the ultimate goal of the research, treated by radiotherapy alone in patients with an average survival time was 18 weeks, and received radiotherapy and 5-FU chemotherapy in patients with an average survival time was 35 weeks (P 0.05), radiotherapy plus 5-FU treatment in 41.8% of the patients who survived more than 1 years, but only 10% of patients received radiotherapy the survival period of more than 1 years. The patient was well tolerated with 5-FU chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the common side effects were nausea and vomiting [9-12]. Mitomycin C (mitomycin-C, MMC) is a class of antineoplastic antibiotic, the cells of DNA polyelectrolyte, and inhibit the replication of DNA, it has similar anti pancreatic cancer activity and 5-FU, used al



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