观察宝宝睡觉 健康早知道(Keep your baby in bed).doc

观察宝宝睡觉 健康早知道(Keep your baby in bed).doc

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观察宝宝睡觉 健康早知道(Keep your baby in bed)

观察宝宝睡觉 健康早知道(Keep your baby in bed) Watching the baby sleep sweetly, mom must be full of happiness. But you know what? Some abnormal phenomena occur during sleep in children, is often in the report to parents, the baby will be or have been suffering from certain diseases. So, mom and dad would go to sleep will learn to observe the baby, the baby to understand the situation of health. Next, with the small series together to learn about some of the sleeping symptoms reflect the babys health problems. Keep your baby in bed Symptom 1: babies are sweating when they are just falling asleep or are about to wake up. The doctor reminded: most babies at night sweating is normal, but if it is sweating, and accompanied by other discomfort performance, we should pay attention to observation, strengthen care, when necessary, go to the hospital inspection and treatment. For example, the baby with square head, teething late, late fontanel closure phenomenon, there may be suffering from rickets. Two symptoms: baby before sleep at night to sleep after the body dry, irritability, red cheeks, shortness of breath, pulse faster than 110 beats per minute. Doctor warned: This indicates that the baby is about to have a fever. Should pay attention to whether the baby has a cold or diarrhea symptoms, in addition to pay attention to add water to him. If the baby really fever symptoms, alcohol and other physical cooling methods should be adopted. Symptoms three: baby sleep crying, often shaking his head, grasping ears, and sometimes fever. The doctor warned: baby may be suffering from otitis externa, eczema or otitis media. Should promptly check the babys ear canal, whether there is redness and swelling, whether the skin has red spots appear, if any, timely delivery of the baby to the hospital. Following this content may help you solve the problem of how to correctly deal with children with a cold have a fever caused by the problem of discomfort at home, and safely give non prescription drugs t


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