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项目名称Project Name: PSD Project for Shanghai Metro Line 7 国家Country: China 客户项目编号Client Project Reference: 法维莱项目编号Faiveley Project Reference: SH009 文件名称Document Name: Operation Maintenance Manual 文件编号Document Reference: SH009-SUB062 负责人PIC: TDW ————————————————————————————————————— 修改记录Amendment record 版本 Version 页数 Page # 修改性质 Nature of change 修改人 Modified by 审核人 Reviewed / Checked by 批准人 Authorised by 日期 Date A0 Original LHY 12-10-2009 ————————————————————————————————————— 分发记录Distribution record 公司/部门 Company / Department 姓名 Name 文件数量 No. of copies 重要声明Important note 如果中英文描述有任何差异,英文有最终的解释权。 If there was any difference in meaning between Chinese and English, the English version shall prevail the Chinese version and shall be considered as the final justification. 屏蔽门运行和维护手册 Operating Maintenance Manual 上海七号线屏蔽门安全门工程 PSDAPG Project for Shanghai Metro Line 7 Submission Number: SUB062 重要申明IMPORTANT 编制这份操作指南(文本和图表)的技术因素是无契约的,他旨在协助屏蔽门的维保The technical elements that constitute this manual (texts and illustrations) are not contractual, their only target being to bring assistance for the maintenance of the platform screen door system. 副本或相关数据的使用旨在设备的安装和服务,严格禁止轨道交通和法维莱授权人员以外的人查阅。 Use of duplication or disclosure of subject data, for any purpose other than relating to the installation or servicing of the equipment, is strictly prohibited without the written authorisation of Consortium of SET and FFE. 目录Table of contents 描述Scope 12 1.2指南覆盖面Manuel Coverage 12 1.3 应用文件Applicable documents 13 第二部分:操作描述SECTION 2: DESCRIPTION OPERATION 15 2.1系统综述System overview 15 2.1.1位置 Location 15 2.1.2电气设备 Electrical Equipment 16 2.1.3门运动与控制Door actuation and control 19 2.1.4就地控制面板PSL Local Control Panel 20 2.1.5 中央控制与监视Central control and monitoring 20 2.1.6就地控制盒 Local Control Box 21 2.2主要控制单元功能描述Main Control Units Functional Description 21 2.2.1 屏蔽门接口面板PSD Interface Panel (PSC) 21 功能描述Functional Description 21 2.2.


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