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无损检测技术在食品安全快速筛查中的应用 史晓亚1, 2, 高丽霞1, 2, 李 鑫1, 2, 黄登宇2, 3* (1. 山西大学生命科学学院, 太原 030006; 2. 山西大学食品药品快速检测中心, 太原 030006; 3. 山西省食品药品监督管理局, 太原 030006) 摘 要: 食品安全是当前“健康中国”建设的重要组成部分, 保障食品安全需要加强食品安全监管, 加大食品安全的筛查力度, 因此对食品安全筛查的技术手段提出了更高的要求。无损检测技术是近年来发展起来的高科技技术之一 关键词 Applications of nondestructive detection technology in food safety rapid screening SHI Xiao-Ya1, 2, GAO Li-Xia1, 2, LI Xin1, 2, HUANG Deng-Yu2, 3* (1. College of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2. The Food and Drug Safety Rapid Inspection Center, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China; 3. Shanxi Food and Drug Administration, Taiyuan 030006, China) ABSTRACT: Food safety is an important part of the construction of healthy China now, and it is necessary to strengthen food safety supervision and increase the intensity of food safety screening so as to ensure food safety. Therefore, the technical requirements for food safety screening are put forward higher requirements. Nondestructive detection technology is one of the high-tech technologies developed in recent years, which is widely used in rapid food safety screening. In this paper, the application status of six kinds of nondestructive detection technologies in food safety rapid screening at home and abroad were reviewed, including near-infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray, ultrasonics, computer vision and electronic nose detection, and then the existing problems, technical difficulties and the future development direction of nondestructive detection technology were discussed. KEY WORDS: nondestructive detection technology; near-infrared spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; X-ray; ultrasonic inspection; food safety 1 引 言 食品安全是关系民生的大事, 我国“十三五”国家食品安全规划中明确提出要加大对食品安全工作投入力度, 加快建设职业化食品检查员队伍, 增强对食品安全工作各项保障[1]。食品安全筛查不仅指掺假食品筛查、添加剂超标筛查、重金属含量超标筛查、农兽药残留超标筛查等, 也包括食品外观品质筛查、成品质量筛查和流通储存过程中品质监测等[2-6]。 传统的食品安全筛查技术耗时费力且对被检测对象有一定程度的损伤, 无损检测技术指在不破坏被检测对象前提下, 用一定的检测手段和分析方法检验产品质量, 其作为一种高新技术已经被广泛应用于食品安全快速筛查中[7]。无损检测技术涉及光学、声学、计算机、数据通讯等学科。常见的无损检测技术有近红外光谱检测


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