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摘 要 我国《民法通则》规定“公民的权利能力始于出生”,按此规定母体中的胎儿当然不享有民事权利能力,但是如果胎儿在其受孕过程中受到损害至其出生之后畸形或疾病的情况下,不让胎儿对其受到的损害享有赔偿请求权,显然不公平。本文就检讨了我国现行的立法《继承法》和《民法通则》,说明了我国胎儿利益保护的现状及缺陷,主要就是对胎儿的利益保护体系还很不完善。引出国外胎儿损害赔偿请求权的理论基础及立法模式,即权利能力说、法益说和以侵权行为的构成要件为基础的学说,其中权利能力说又分为总括保护主义、个别保护主义和绝对保护主义。最后提出我国胎儿损害赔偿请求权的立法建议,有胎儿损害赔偿请求权的侵害主体、适用范围、常见的情形以及具体行使的规则。 关键词:胎儿利益 立法模式 损害赔偿请求权 ABSTRACT Country the general principles of the civil law provisions civil rights ability begins at birth. According to the provisions in the maternal fetal certainly dont enjoy civil rights ability, but if the fetus in the process of conception and its damage after birth malformation or disease cases. Dont let the fetus to its damage to enjoy a compensation claim, obviously unfair. In this paper, a review of our current legislation inheritance and general principles of civil law, and illustrates the current situation and defects of fetus interests, is mainly for the interests of the fetus protection system is also not perfect. Lead foreign fetal claim for damage compensation theory and the pattern of legislation, namely the right capability, and to legal interest infringement in based theory, in which capacity of right that is divided into general protectionism, individual protectionism and absolute protectionism. Finally, put forward our country to the request of the fetus damages legislative suggestions, fetal damages claim against the subject, scope of application, common and specific exercise rules. Key Words:The interests of the fetus; Legislative mode;Claim for damage compensation 目 录 摘 要 1 ABSTRACT 2 文献综述 1 引 言 4 1.问题的提出:一个司法实践中的案例 4 2.我国立法中关于胎儿利益保护的现状及其缺陷 6 2.1我国立法中关于胎儿利益保护的现状 6 2.2我国立法中关于胎儿利益保护的缺陷 7 3.国外胎儿损害赔偿请求权的理论基础及立法模式 9 3.1以胎儿是否具有民事权利能力为基础的学说 9 3.2以“法益说”为胎儿损害赔偿请求权基础 11 3.3以侵权行为构成要件为基础的学说 12 3.4对我国的借鉴意义 13 4.我国胎儿损害赔偿请求权的立法建议 14 4.1侵害主体的界定 14 4.2胎儿损害赔偿请求权的赔偿范围 14 4.3胎儿损害赔偿请求权常见的情形 16 4.4胎儿损害赔偿请求权的具体行使 18 参考文献 20 致谢辞 21 附录一:英文原文 22 附录二:中文翻译 30 文献综述 一、国外研究现状 国外对胎儿利益的保护主要有四种立法例: 第一种,总括保护主义。总括保护主义是指胎儿出生时为活体的,即溯


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