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轮机长英文面试问题及参考答案 轮机工是轮部的第一把手也是船上仅次于船长的重要管理人员。实践表明没有很好的轮机长是很难保证船舶的安全的。目前世界主要船队的船舶老化问题相当严重而要保证大龄船舶的营运安全没有很好的轮机班子是很难实现的。因此船东在面试船员时轮机长往往是他们考核的重点。特别是东南亚的很多船东公司他们对轮机长的考核从技术到管理每一环都很严格。对轮机工的经验、技术和解决实际问题的能力尤其相当重视。我们认为轮机长不但要有丰富的经验、灵活的头脑也要有很好的管理能力和团队工作精神只有这样才能管好轮机班子才能和船长以及甲板部的管理工作配合好。 另外经验表明相对船长和甲板部队的人员而言轮机工的英语相对稍弱一些希望在业余时间下苦功练习英语听力和写作。面试时主要是看你的听力理解而在国外船上干时主要是做一些英文的确PAPER WORK 另一???面随着ISM的生效和强制实施PSC检查和EXTRA AUDIT方面的审核都要求一定的听力和书写方面的能力。 下面的一些问题不但有技术方面的也有很多是管理方面的请轮机长在阅读时能举一反三联想到其他船东可能考到的问题。 1. Can you tell something about your last ship What types brands of main engine have you ever experienced My last ship type of engine horse power trading area GRT/DWT etc. I have experience with several different types of main engines such as Sulzer BampW MAN PC etc. 2. What abilities should a Chief Engineer possess First I think it is very important for a Chief Engineer to be skillful and proficient at work. Second he should maintain good management in the engine department. Third he should be able to try to motivate every person under his management by assigning jobs fairly among them. Fourth he needs to be good in English and language communication. Last it is very important for a Chief Engineer to maintain good relationship with the Master the technical superintendent and other personnel from company First Engineer and the Chief Officer. Above all he should listen to orders from the Master in most cases. 轮机长不是船上的轮机总工程师也是仅次于船长的重要的管理人员。因此在做好自己技术工作的同时更应该考虑如何做好管理工作。轮机长和船长的配合也是非常关键的。上面的答案仅供参考。 3. What were the consumption rates of cylinder lube oil and fuel oil in your previous ship For your reference: for a 10000HP main engine the consumption rate of fuel oil could be roughly 2025 tons per day cylinder oil about 280310 liters per day depending on the engine type. The duty engineer should check to see if the consumption is normal. The Second Engineer usually is responsible for checking the fuel oil and recording the figures in the Engine Log Book. Lube oil should be checked on every duty watch. T


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