Texas Fruit and Nut Production Avocados (德州水果和坚果生产鳄梨).pdf

Texas Fruit and Nut Production Avocados (德州水果和坚果生产鳄梨).pdf

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Texas Fruit and Nut Production Avocados (德州水果和坚果生产鳄梨)

EHT-018 6-13 T e x a s F r u i t a n d N u t P r o d u c t i o n Avocados Monte Nesbitt , Larry Stein, and Jim Kamas Extension Fruit Specialists, The Texas AM University System vocados are widely consumed in Texas, in part because of the popularity of Tex-Mex cuisine. In addition to their Aunique flavor, they have nutritional benefits. Avocados have more potassium than do bananas and are a good source of vitamins K, E, and B, especially B6 and B5. The flesh is about 15 percent oil or fat, much of which is in the healthy, monounsaturated form. The fruit has been studied for its role in lowering cholesterol and limiting certain forms of oral cancer. Avocados are tropical evergreen trees that can grow 40 to 80 feet tall. The leaves are large, leathery, and deep green with paler veins, and they live for 2 to 3 years. Mature trees will shed a portion of their aging leaves each spring dur- ing the flowering period. Some varieties drop more than others during this time. New leaves will develop almost immediately. The avocado fruit is a large berry (Fig. 1). Other names for the fruit are alligator pear and aguacate (Spanish). There are three species of avocados: • Guatemalan (Persea nubigena var. guata- Figure 1. Avocado fruit and leaves. malensis L. Wms. • Mexican (P. americana var. drymifolia Blake) • West Indian (P. americana Mill. var. americana) Hybrids of all three species have created additional varietal types. Blooms form from January to March, with the fruit matur- ing in as few as 6 months for Mexican types and 18 months for Guatemalan types.


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