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The VA San Francisco(VA旧金山)
F O R T H E E M P L O Y E E S o f t h e S A N F R A N C I S C O V A M E D I C A L C E N T E R • W I N T E R 2 0 0 7
A Message from the Director Speaker Pelosi Visits SFVAMC
“The Beacon” has been revital- In observation of Veterans
ized! This quarterly publication Day, Speaker of the House
will serve to keep you not only Nancy Pelosi spent the
informed on what’s happening at morning at the San Fran-
our medical center, but will also cisco VA Medical Center.
help you to keep in touch with During her visit, she
all of the good things happening received a research over-
with our employees. view from Lynn Pulliam,
MS, PhD, Michael Weiner,
One of the good things you will MD, and Paul Volberding, Following her tour of the NHCU, Speaker
read about in this issue is the results from the “VHA All MD, and then toured the Pelosi held a news conference where she
Employee Survey” that we completed in July. More than Nursing Home Care Unit. praised the care veterans receive from the
San Francisco VA Medical Center.
76% of all employees completed this survey, which far
exceeded not only our facility goal for this year, but it also
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