
THE BASICS OF MAGICK Hermetics(魔法炼金术士的基础知识).pdf

THE BASICS OF MAGICK Hermetics(魔法炼金术士的基础知识).pdf

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THE BASICS OF MAGICK Hermetics(魔法炼金术士的基础知识)

THE BASICS OF MAGICK 1 THE BASICS OF MAGICK By K. Amber Get any book for free on: www.A Get any book for free on: www.A THE BASICS OF MAGICK 2 I. Ethics A. The Wiccan Rede B. The Law or Return (sometimes called the Threefold Law) C. Perfect Love and Perfect Trust (among partners in magick) II. The Witches Pyramid A. Faith in your abilities and powers. B. Imagination to vividly create in your mind that which you desire to manifest. C. Will to achieve your goal despite all obstacles. D. Secrecy to keep your magickal intention concentrated and pure. III. The four Qualities of the Mage A. To know B. To will C. To dare D. To keep silence IV. Preparatory Skills (hatha and raja yoga are good aids to developing these) A. Cleansing, clearing and stilling B. Grounding C. Centering d. Concentrating ieving one-pointedness) V. Defining the Goal: Form vs. Essence VI. Working with the Power A. Confining it (casting the Circle) B. Raising it C. Sending it (channeling it)... for imediate effect or into storage D. Earthing the excess (grounding it) VII. Systems and Techniques A. Spellcraft B. Words of Power and affirmations, charms and incantations C. Dance, postures and mudras D. Meditation, trancework and hypnosis, fascination E. Stone magick F. Candle magick G. Amulets and talismans; power objects or psychic batteries H. Healing 1. Psychic (visualization, laying on of hands) 2. Herbal 3. Energy channeling iwht auras and chakras 4. Co


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