
The effects of trace Sc and Zr on microstructure (跟踪Sc、锆对微观结构的影响).pdf

The effects of trace Sc and Zr on microstructure (跟踪Sc、锆对微观结构的影响).pdf

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The effects of trace Sc and Zr on microstructure (跟踪Sc、锆对微观结构的影响)

Materials Science and Engineering A 370 (2004) 172–176 The effects of trace Sc and Zr on microstructure and internal friction of Zn–Al eutectoid alloy B.H. Luo∗, Z.H. Bai, Y.Q. Xie Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, PR China Received 12 July 2002 Abstract The damping properties of Zn–22 wt.% Al alloys without and with Sc (0.55 wt.%) and Zr (0.26 wt.%) were investigated. The internal friction of the determined by the microstructure has been measured in terms of logarithmic decrement (δ) using a low frequency inverted torsion pendulum over the temperature region of 10–230 ◦C. An internal friction peak was separately observed at about 218 ◦C in the Zn–Al alloy and at about 195 ◦C in Zn–Al–Sc–Zr alloy. The shift of the δ peak was found to be directly attributed to the precipitation of Al3 (Sc, Zr) phases from the alloy matrix. We consider that the both internal friction peak in the alloy originates from grain boundary (GB) relaxation, but the grain boundary relaxation can also be affected by Al–Sc–Zr intermetallics at the grain boundaries, which will impede grain boundary sliding. In addition, Al–Sc–Zr intermetallics at the grain boundaries can pin grain boundaries, and inhibit the growth of grains in aging, which increases the damping stability of Zn–22 wt.% Al alloy. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Internal friction; Zn–Al eutectoid alloys; Sc; Zr 1. Introduction and good weldability. Simultaneous adding trace Sc and Zr in aluminum alloys can improved its mechanical proper- Zn–22 A



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