The Josephson Effect Chalmers(约瑟夫森效应的查尔默斯).pdf

The Josephson Effect Chalmers(约瑟夫森效应的查尔默斯).pdf

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The Josephson Effect Chalmers(约瑟夫森效应的查尔默斯)

The Josephson Effect Jakob Blomgren 1998 Revised: Per Magnelind 2005 Purpose To describe the Josephson effect and show some consequences of it. To understand the workings of a SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) and to demonstrate its features. Below is given a quite detailed discussion on various effects. Do not get lost in the derivations, but try to pick out the main results. Introduction In 1962, B.D. Josephson analysed what happens at a junction between two closely spaced superconductors, separated by an insulating barrier. If the insulating barrier is thick, the electron pairs can not get through; but if the layer is thin enough (approximately 10 nm) there is a probability for electron pairs to tunnel. This effect later became known as Josephson tunnelling. Besides displaying a broad range of interesting macroscopic quantum mechanical properties, the Josephson junction offers a vast survey of possible applications in analog and digital electronics, such as SQUID detectors, oscillators, mixers and amplifiers. V 1 2 Ψ1 Ψ2 Figure 1. Two superconductors separated by a thin insulator Theory of Josephson tunnelling In his famous lectures Feynman made a simplified derivation of the equations describing the Josephson tunnelling. We outline this derivation here. Suppose we have two superconductors that are connected by a thin layer of insulating material as shown in figure 1. We define Ψ1 and Ψ2 as the quantum mechanical wavefunction of the superconducting state in the left and the rig



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