
The Perdido and the Southwestern Gulf of (帕蒂和西南部的墨西哥湾).pdf

The Perdido and the Southwestern Gulf of (帕蒂和西南部的墨西哥湾).pdf

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The Perdido and the Southwestern Gulf of (帕蒂和西南部的墨西哥湾)

The Perdido and the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico* 1 Milena Colmenares Search and Discovery Article #30331 (2014)** Posted May 12, 2014 *Adapted from oral presentation given at Geoscience Technology Workshop, Deepwater Reservoirs, Houston, Texas, January 28-29, 2014 **AAPG©2014 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. 1International Geoscience (mmcolmenares@) Abstract Perdido Foldbelt (PFB) is located in the Western Gulf of Mexico, is part of the Cenozoic compressional fold system in the Gulf of Mexico and is distinctive in deformation details and structural style. PFB contains Upper Jurassic–Eocene age strata folded during the early Oligocene (36– 30 Ma), with deformation most likely continuing into the early Miocene. Formed by gravity sliding, it consists of a series of southwest- northeast-trending, parallel, megascopic-scale kink bands and flanks that are cut by reverse faults containing Cretaceous to Eocene sedimentary rocks. The “reservoir” facies are: • Lower Cretaceous fore-reef carbonate debris analogous to the major productive section in Poza Rica field, Mexico, • Upper Cretaceous chalks, and • Tertiary turbidite sands related to Wilcox Frio delta systems from the Rio Grande embayment. A technical review of the Perdido Fold Belt in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico. Included is a discussion on unlocking this potentially prolific hydrocarbon trend through the Energy Reform in Mexico and how it will affect the ultra deepwater exploration in this area.



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