
The Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles(超音速涡轮喷嘴的性能).pdf

The Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles(超音速涡轮喷嘴的性能).pdf

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The Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles(超音速涡轮喷嘴的性能)

- :~,~1 ~ 4 v : ~ . ~ , : ~ : ; ! R. M. No. 3273 M I N I S T R Y O F A V I A T I O N A E R O N A U T I C A L R E S E A R C H C O U N C I L R E P O R T S A N D M E M O R A N D A The Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles By B. S. STRATFORD and G. E. SANSOME LONDON: HER MAJESTYS STATIONERY OFFICE I962 PRICE: I45. od. NET The Performance of Supersonic Turbine Nozzles By B. S. STRATFORD and G . E . SANSOME CoMMuNICATED BY THE DEPUTY CONTROLLER AIRCRAFT (RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT), 1VfINISTRY OF AVIATION Reports and Memoranda No..]273 June, z959 Summary. An investigation has been conducted at the National Gas Turbine Establishment into the performance of turbines having high pressure ratios per stage. The present Report discusses the mode of operation of supersonic nozzles for such turbines, and describes a cascade experiment. Both theory and experiment demonstrate that the conditions imposed upon the supersonic flow immediately downstream of the nozzles (e.g., by a following row of rotor blades) exert an overriding influence t~pon the nozzle outlet flow angle, and hence


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