
The Reliability of a Dialogue Structure Coding (对话结构编码的可靠性).pdf

The Reliability of a Dialogue Structure Coding (对话结构编码的可靠性).pdf

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The Reliability of a Dialogue Structure Coding (对话结构编码的可靠性)

The Reliability of a Dialogue Structure Coding Scheme Jean Carletta Amy Isard • University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Stephen Isard t Jacqueline C. Kowtko t University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon~ Anne H. Anderson ~ University of Stirling University of Glasgow This paper describes the reliability of a dialogue structure coding scheme based on utterance function, game structure, and higher-level transaction structure that has been applied to a corpus of spontaneous task-oriented spoken dialogues. 1. Introduction Dialogue work, like the rest of linguistics, has traditionally used isolated examples, either constructed or real. Now many researchers are beginning to try to code large dialogue corpora for higher-level dialogue structure in the hope of giving their findings a firmer basis. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and describe the reliability of a scheme of dialogue coding distinctions that have been developed for use on the Map Task Corpus (Anderson et al. 1991). These dialogue structure distinctions were developed within a larger vertical analysis of dialogue encompassing a range of phenomena, beginning with speech characteristics, and therefore are intended to be useful whenever an expression of dialogue structure is required. 2. Other Dialogue Structure Coding Schemes A number of alternative ways of coding dialogue are mentioned in the recent literature. Walker and Whittaker (1990) mark utterances



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