西奥多·罗斯福 The Man with the Muck-rake_0.doc

西奥多·罗斯福 The Man with the Muck-rake_0.doc

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西奥多·罗斯福 The Man with the Muck-rake_0

西奥多·罗斯福 The Man with the Muck-rake   thedre tedd rsevelt   the an ith the u-rae   delivered 14 april 1906   演讲者简介:西奥多罗斯福(英文:thedre rsevelt,又译狄奥多罗斯福,人称老罗斯福,昵称泰迪(tedd),188年10月27日-1919年1月6日),美国军事家、政治家,第26任总统。   关于耙粪记者的相关背景介绍:   所谓耙粪记者/耙粪运动(uraer),也称黑幕揭发记者/运动,是指美国19世纪末20世纪初掀起的一股新闻报道浪潮,一些记者和报刊致力于深入调查报道黑幕,揭发丑闻,对社会阴暗面进行揭示。其名称源于西奥多罗斯福总统的一次演讲。此演讲中,罗斯福将20世纪初一批致力于揭丑、暴露、煽情等报道的记者,比作英国作家约翰班扬小说《天路历程》中的一个反派人物,他从不仰望天空,只是手拿粪耙,埋头打扫地上的秽物。但是被批评的揭丑记者却不以为然,反而欣然接受这个称号。后来,人们便将这种新闻及报道这些新闻的记者和报刊称为耙粪运动、耙粪记者、耙粪报刊等,就如同人们将赫斯特报刊的煽情报道成为黄色新闻一样。   ver a entur ag ashingtn laid the rner stne f the apitl in hat as then little re than a trat f ded ilderness here beside the pta e n find it neessar t prvide b great additinal buildings fr the business f the gvernent   this grth in the need fr the husing f the gvernent is but a prf and exaple f the a in hih the natin has grn and the sphere f atin f the natinal gvernent has grn e n adinister the affairs f a natin in hih the extrardinar grth f ppulatin has been utstripped b the grth f ealth in plex interests the aterial prbles that fae us tda are nt suh as the ere in ashingtn’s tie, but the underling fats f huan nature are the sae n as the ere then under altered external fr e ar ith the sae tendenies tard evil that ere evident in ashingtn’s tie, and are helped b the sae tendenies fr gd it is abut se f these that i ish t sa a rd tda   in bunan’s pilgri’s prgress u a reall the desriptin f the an ith the u rae, the an h uld l n a but dnard, ith the u rae in his hand; h as ffered a elestial rn fr his u rae, but h uld neither l up nr regard the rn he as ffered, but ntinued t rae t hiself the filth f the flr   in pilgri’s prgress the an ith the u rae is set frth as the exaple f hi hse visin is fixed n arnal instead f spiritual things et he als tpifies the an h in this life nsistentl refuses t see aught that is lft, and fixes his ees ith slen intentness nl n that hih is vile and debasing   n, it is ver neessar that e shuld nt flinh fr seeing hat is vile and debasing


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