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西安大清真寺英文导游辞 The Great sque at Huaue Lane The sque is a ar spt fr religius ativities f ver 60000 sles in Xi'an, lieise, an iprtant ultural reli prteted b the Prvinial Peple's Gvernent Unlie the Arabi sques, ith splendid des, the inarets reahing int the luds, the lrful engraved sethes ith dazzling patterns, the sque here in Xi'an pssesses uh hinese traditinal tuh in bth its design and artisti utl; besides the stle peuliar t Islai sques, this sque als hlds harateristis f hinese pavilins ith painted beas and engraved ridgeples Hever, an further disussin abut the sque ill be futile unless anthing f the intrdutin f Isla int hina is brught up Isla as a religius rder as funded in the earl perid f the 7th entur AD and as intrdued t hina in the id-600s At that tie, Arabian erhants and travelers ae t the nrthest f hina b a f Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplati, trade, and ilitar ntats ith hina In the eantie, anther rute sa a bath f sea vagers thrugh Bangladesh Ba and the alaa Strait t hina's Guangzhu, Quanzhu, Huangzhu, angzhu and ther ities here an f the settled dn and arried the lal en h later gave birth t babies h then beae sles Hever, assive iigratin f the sles t hina did nt tae plae until as late as the earl perid f the 13th entur, hen Genghis han, as a result f his expeditin against the est, had nquered vast expanses f land strething fr entral Asia t Eastern Eurpe, inluding the nrth f Iran an f the sles in the nquered areas ere thus fred t enlist and later settled in hina Ang the enlisted an ere sldiers, and se ere siths and ffiials h ere alled the Hui peple in the histr bs n the uan dnast The Hui peple later flled ublai han dn t the suth, helping hi unifing hina and then establish the uan dnast In the ae f the nquest, Isla spread all ver hina and sques began t appear everhere In the uan dnast, an sles held psitins bth in the ilitar and ivilian rgans f the untr And a lt f the sles t part in Zhu uanzhang's uprising in the earl 14th entur and ade great ntri


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