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课英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语口语课演讲稿 as the development of our society, we are all under heavy pressure because of fierce competition, fast-paced lifestyles, and etc. everyday we may face some kind of stress and difficulties from work, school or family. some people think working under pressure keeps us motivated. maybe a little pressure is good for us, but too much pressure is not beneficial to us. in recent years, there has been an increase in stress-related diseases amony college and high-school students. how to alleviate our pressure in an effective way? how to weaken the effects of stress? firstly, exercise regularly. physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. second, eat a healthy diet. well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat. three, get enough sleep. adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body. feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally. besides, i think that communication can help to reduce the pressure. when people share their worries with others, they will feel less stressed. at that same time, approprite encouragement will also stimulate people to work harder and feel better. for example, when feeling depressed because of the failure in an exam, i often choose to talk with my friends and parents because they will comfort me, and i will be full of hope again. also, listening to the gentle music or rock music is a good way to reduce our stress. in a word, people can use different ways according to different stress.everyone can find the best way that is suitable for himself 第二篇:中学生课前三分钟英语演讲稿 earn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the boo


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