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信宜市三华李水果物流的发展现状及 对策探讨 摘要 三华李作为信宜市一大特色水果,在信宜水果局大力支持下,三华李种植得到飞跃发展,种植面积已达20万亩。信宜市成为广东省最大三华李生产基地。然而大产量并没有给果农们带来富裕,增产不增收的情况时有发生。面对越来越来大的种植规模,落后的水果产业物流已经成为三华李果种植发展道路上的障碍。主要体现在:基础设施建设落后;缺乏储存设施设备;储存意识薄弱;流通加工方式落后;流通时间长;三华李果在运输过程中损耗大;运输时间长;缺乏专用运输工具;加工增值能力弱;缺乏专用包装箱;分拣机械化低;搬运机械化低;装卸野蛮;信息获取难等。造成这些问题的原因是多方面的,既有历史原因,也有管理体制方面的原因,更有技术方面的原因。信宜市经济落后;政府对三华李物流发展的支持、引导不到位;缺乏对现代物流的认识是三华李物流落后的主要原因。 首先, 关键词:物流,水果物流,三华李水果,信宜市 注:本论文题目来源于:自选。 I Abstract as one of the special fruit in Xinyi city, under the support of Xinyi Fruit Bureau, san hua li planting has great development, the planting area is as wide as 200 thousand mu, being the most planting base area in Guangdong province. But large output do not make the farmers rich, the situation of increasing yield without increasing income happens sometime. As large as the planting scale, the backward fruit logistics has become the barrier in the development of san hua li planting. The main characteristic is the backward infrastructure, the lack of storage facilities and equipment, the weakness of storage awareness, the backward way of processing operation, the long time of process, the large loss during the transportation of san hua li, the long time of transportation, the lack of special transportation tools, the weak appreciation ability of processing, the lack of special package boxes, the low level of mechanization, the low level of transporting mechanization, the brutality of load and unload, and so on. As for those problems, there are many reasons: the history factors, the management system factors, and the technology factors. But the main reasons are the economic backwardness of XinYi, the lack of support and appropriate guidance from government in the development of san hua li planting, the lack understand of modern logistics. Firstly, this article lists the general situations of san hua li logistics, secondly, this article finds out the problems facing in the development of san hua li logistics, and analyzes those problems. L



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