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机械公敌完整剧本 I Robot –《机械公敌》 transcript from the screenplay and/or movieI, Robot Script - Dialogue Transcript Voila! The I, Robot transcript is here, for all you fans of the Will Smith movie. The I, Robot script was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie. Ill be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You wont hurt my feelings. Honest. Swing on back to Drews Script-O-Rama afterwards 3:11 早上好,先生! Good morning sir. 3:13 您的订单已经及时送到,给我消失 - Yet another on-time delivery from... - Get the hell out of my face, canner. 3:119 今天愉快! Have a nice day. 3:51 Excuse, Mr. Total performance, total readiness, total security... 3:56 向无休止的升级和服务电话说再见. So goodbye to lengthy upgrades and service calls... 4:00 与USR中央计算机联网即能享受 每天实时更新的机器人服务. An uplink to USR central computer provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily. 4:05 NS-5机器人 明日技术 今日奉献 The Nester Class 5 is tomorrows robot today. 4:09 史普纳,史普纳 Spoon, Spooney! Hey! 4:14 等等,借光! Hold on... Excuse me 4:17 史普纳,最近在忙什么? Spoon, man, where you been at? 4:18 老是出差,出差,像度假吗? - Just away, brother - Away? Like vacation and stuff...? 4:22 很爽啊,伙计 thats real nice man... 4:23 听着,我想请你帮个忙,我得借你的车一用 Listen, I got a favor to ask. 4:24 只需十到十五分钟 I need to borrow the car for like 10-15 minutes... 4:25 这次不同,史普纳 This is different, Spoon. Listen... 4:27 我认识了个身材火爆的小妞,她现在迷上我了. Ive got this fine ass little yummy, I mean, she is complete and agreeable... 4:30 身材一级棒,史普纳 ass hot sprinkable, Spoon. 4:32 你到底在说什么? What does that even mean? 4:33 你当然知道我在说什么! You know what it means, man, OK now stop varicating. 4:37 算了吧,堂弟,你说谎话太差了. First of all, stop cussing, because youre not good at it. 4:30 那么给我十块钱坐公交车吧,我一直帮你的忙. Let me get temp for the bus then,man. I been there for you. 4:40 回家 好吧,史普,下不为例! - Go home! - OK, thats strike one, Spoon. 5:06 你跟马西谈过了吗? You talked to Marcy? 5:09 没有,我还没有跟马西谈过. No G.G., I havent talked to Marcy. 5:11 当我来时 我们不会与某人结婚,离婚,然后再也不和他说话. When I was comin



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