analysis of the structure sustainable development of the modern industrial system construction(分析结构的可持续发展的现代产业体系建设).doc

analysis of the structure sustainable development of the modern industrial system construction(分析结构的可持续发展的现代产业体系建设).doc

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analysis of the structure sustainable development of the modern industrial system construction(分析结构的可持续发展的现代产业体系建设)

Analysis of the structure sustainable development of the modern industrial system construction [Abstract]: a modern economy without a sustainable and healthy development of the sustainable development of the modern industrial structure of the base system, the deepening of the latter, the upgrade is modern economic development of the content and substance. The current system of China’s industrial structure and the structure of international standards there is a big deviation, especially from the perspective of sustainable development theory, there are many questions asked. This system, first the development of China’s industrial structure to analyze the current situation, a reasonable indicator that the system is to build sustainable development, industrial structure system must consider the issue and, based on the text to explore the evaluation index system proposed to build a modern industrial structure path. [Keywords]: industrial architecture, evaluation and sustainable development This issue by the Planning Office, Inner Mongolia, ‘Mongolia mechanism of regional industrial structure optimization and Strategy’ (item number: 08B027) funding The project is funded research base in Inner Mongolia industrial and economic projects. System with the domestic industrial structure, the background of international economic development, competition and the way a country’s leading industries and supporting industries to changes in selection and planning changes in industrial structure and its system are among the dynamic changes, how to grasp the changes in industrial structure system the ‘degree’ and to achieve its stable and efficient optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure to build a modern system of sustainable development an important part of the modern industrial architecture includes not only the meso level of industry or sector, but also directly related to the operation of the overall macroeconomic trend of the modern theory of industr



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