analysis of the pdca method in the municipal engineering project management application(pdca方法分析市政工程项目管理应用程序).doc

analysis of the pdca method in the municipal engineering project management application(pdca方法分析市政工程项目管理应用程序).doc

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analysis of the pdca method in the municipal engineering project management application(pdca方法分析市政工程项目管理应用程序)

Analysis of the PDCA method in the municipal engineering project management application Paper Keywords: Municipal Engineering Quality Control PDCA management Abstract: pros and cons of the quality of public works, not only related to the applicability of the project, but also related to the safety of life and property and social stability. This paper analyzes the use of the PDCA management theory, the characteristics of public works for the proposed quality control methods, to improve the overall management of municipal level, has a certain practical significance and guidance. Quality of the pros and cons of municipal engineering, not only related to the applicability of the project, but also related to the safety of life and property and social stability. Construction of poor quality, will result in quality problems or potential risks, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, in the construction process, strengthen quality management, and ensure that national and people’s lives and property safety is a top priority for construction project management, quality management in the position of prime importance is the urgent priority. 1 PDCA management cycle of the basic content Quality assurance system in the activities of the whole process, that is, the quality plan development and organizational implementation process, which is repeated according to the PDCA management cycle does not stop the cycle of operation where P is the Plan (Plan), D indicates the implementation ( Do), C of the check (Chock), A indicated that the treatment (Action). PDCA cycle is the basic quality assurance system operating mode, which reflects the activities of quality assurance system to be followed scientific procedures, PDCA cycle is divided into four stages, eight steps. 1.1 the planning stage The first stage is the planning stage (ie, P phase). The main task of this stage is to develop quality management objectives, planned activities and manage project



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