analysis of the structure of the upper and lower combined judgment state(分析结构的上部和下部组合判断状态).doc

analysis of the structure of the upper and lower combined judgment state(分析结构的上部和下部组合判断状态).doc

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analysis of the structure of the upper and lower combined judgment state(分析结构的上部和下部组合判断状态)

Analysis of the structure of the upper and lower combined judgment state Capitals judgment Matriculation English verb tenses every year, many of my classmates always judge inaccurate, and every time an error English sentences very detailed expression of the action takes place, time or state, at this point, the Chinese sentence pales is feel that the reasons for the difficulties Chinese students learning English. tense judgment based on English Tense defined according to the time of the action takes place, to grasp the context, combined with a sentence of time adverbial prompt, careful analysis cf can accurately determine the tense of the sentence. Test frequently and often used when states have present tense, past tense, present continuous, past continuous tense, present perfect tense, pluperfect, future time in the past in the future, now completed performed. Now several tense definition, structure, and judgment distinction and summarized. A present tense Structure of the predicate: the subject is third person singular uncountable noun or singular significance of other noun phrases, predicate verb with single three forms of (real Italian verb plus s or es, Department of the verb be used is, the subject is other forms , the verb with the prototype. negative form: real Italian verb before the predicate verb plus the negative form of the auxiliary verb do or does that don `t / doesn` t, the verb directly thereafter plus negative adverb not. ⒈ said action often happens, the state or habitual action used adverbial of time: sometimes, at times, always, usually, often, seldom, every + time noun, in the morning, on Monday, etc., such as: He often gets up late in the morning. ⒉ said the objective facts or universal truth: The teacher told us that the earth goes round the sun. ⒊ said the action will be carried out according to plan or schedule, or the existence of the state.: The plane leaves at 8:00 in the morning. But it often delays b



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