2011年全国高考理科数学试题及答案-新课标(2011 national college entrance examination science mathematics examination questions and answers - New Curriculum Standard).doc

2011年全国高考理科数学试题及答案-新课标(2011 national college entrance examination science mathematics examination questions and answers - New Curriculum Standard).doc

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2011年全国高考理科数学试题及答案-新课标(2011 national college entrance examination science mathematics examination questions and answers - New Curriculum Standard)

2011年全国高考理科数学试题及答案-新课标(2011 national college entrance examination science mathematics examination questions and answers - New Curriculum Standard) 2011 college entrance examination Mathematics for Science Volume I A choice: the big questions, 12 items, each item of 5 points, in each question there are four options, only one is in line with the requirements of the subject. The complex conjugate of the complex number is 1. A. B. C. D. The following 2. functions, both even function Oh, and in (0) is monotone increasing function A. B. C. D. 3. on the right side of the diagram, if the input N is 6, then the output is p A.120 B.720 C.1440 D.5040 4. there are 3 interest groups, a and B two students each in one group, each group of students to participate in various possibilities, the probability of the two students in the same interest group for A. B. C. D. The 5. known vertex and origin coincide, the initial boundary with the axis of the positive half axis, end side in a straight line, then = A. B. C. D. 6. in a three view geometry, front view and top view is shown, The corresponding plan for A set of linear hyperbolic l focus 7. C and C, and a symmetric axis, l and C to A, B points, C solid shaft length 2 times, the rate of centrifugal C A. B. C.2 D.3 8. of the coefficients in the expansion and the expansion of 2, for the constant term A.-40 B.-20 C.20 D.40 9. by curve, straight line and axis surrounded by the graphics area A. B.4 C. D.6 The 10. known a and B are the unit vector, the angle is, the following four propositions Which is the true proposition A. B. C. D. The least positive period for 11. set function, and then. A. in B. in the monotonically decreasing monotonically decreasing C. in D. in the monotonically increasing monotonically increasing The image of the 12. function and function of the abscissa intersection of equals A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 The second volume This volume will include two part examination questions and examination questions. Thirteenth - twenty-fir



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