2012,如果你是农民要靠什么赚钱呢外出打工、开小卖部、在家养...(2012, if you are a farmer, what do you want to earn Go out to work, open a shop, in the house...).doc

2012,如果你是农民要靠什么赚钱呢外出打工、开小卖部、在家养...(2012, if you are a farmer, what do you want to earn Go out to work, open a shop, in the house...).doc

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2012,如果你是农民要靠什么赚钱呢外出打工、开小卖部、在家养...(2012, if you are a farmer, what do you want to earn Go out to work, open a shop, in the house...)

2012,如果你是农民要靠什么赚钱呢外出打工、开小卖部、在家养...(2012, if you are a farmer, what do you want to earn Go out to work, open a shop, in the house...) 2012, if you are a farmer depends on what money? Go out to work, open a store, how much money pig at home? 2012 Feipu hunting machine small investment return, without leaving home can make money! Acoustic frequency machine making the rich peasants hunting QQ2609938027 number. Feipu Electric Co., Ltd. is a professional production of laser ultrasonic frequency radar hunting machine, fishing machine manufacturers, our company production of Philips brand hunting machine, fishing machine in cooperation with PHILPS, the PHILPS frequency laser most advanced design technology, Samsung chip control, Germanys SIEMENS power tube operation, including hunting machine to store 126 kinds of wild animal interference frequency of biological information. The product will work in different time, different frequency sound waves to the radar transmitted through automatic frequency conversion, frequency of biological information, to the fourth Zhou Yuan distance high frequency emission, the surrounding animal receives the information sent from the machine, produce in the signal near the source of errors with food, such as peer call illusion, cant help to signal source. When the capture range into the machine after animal hunting, hunting for emission frequency of laser shock wave instant bombardment animal brain nervous system, so that the wild animals heart and brain systems have a strong resonance, make it into a short coma, to capture (30 minutes after Easter). It is plain, hills, mountains, wild forest hunting rich the best tools is the best means of agricultural population, animal capture tool. We have included in the hunt biological frequency information of 126 kinds of wild animal and birds, animal and birds can be drawn from here and through the frequency sound waves, and the high frequency laser wave will lead to coma, animal, no harm



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