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33 9 ( ) Vol. 33 No . 9 2005 9 J. Hu zhong Univ. of Sci. T ech. ( N ture Science Edition) Sep. 2005 M IMO-OFDM 刘 刚 郭 漪 葛建华 ( 西安电子科技大学 综合业务网国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安710071) : -( MIMO-OFDM) . , MIMO , Wiener , MIMO . , . , . , , . : -; ; ; : T N911 : A : 167 1-4512( 2005) 09-0026-04 On channel estimati on for MIMO-OFDM systems L iu Gang Guo Yi Ge Jianhua Abstract: A ch nnel estim tion scheme for mult-i input mult-i output orthogon l frequency-division multi- plexing ( M IM O-OFDM) system w s presented. The scheme m kes use of the sc tter pilots to estim te the ch nnel impulse response b sed on le st squ re ( LS) criteri . To improve the estim tion perform nce, n d ptive Wiener filter w s pplied. The theoretic l n lysis nd numeric l results showed th t the scheme proposed provides high precision nd good bility to tr ck the v ri tions of the f ding ch nnels; further- more it requires low complexity. Key words: M IM O-OFDM ; sp ce-time code; ch nnel estim tion; sc tter pilot Liu Gang Doctor l C ndid te; N tion l Key L b. of ISN, Xidi n U niversity, Xi n 710071, Chin . - [ 2] . ( M IM O-OFDM) OFDM , , [ 1~ 3] , , M IMO-OFDM Wiener M IM O . , , , ; , . , , . 1 , , M IMO-OFDM 1 , , . 2 2 , n OFDM , , , { b[ n, k] : k= 0, 1, , K - 1} : 2005-05-08. : ( 1977-) , , ; , ( 710071) . E- mail: lgliu@ 163. com : ( 2003AA123320) ; ( . Yi Gong


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