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第一部分 大红花词:…, however, … while, although 小红花词:such as, particular, subject, available, tend to, turn out 97.48 The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans. 48. but while and whereas 49.imposed restricted illustrated confined 06.14 Many others, 14 not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday 15 skills needed to turn their lives 16. 14. when once while whereas 15.life existence survival maintenance “简单词代入,通顺就选” “抓主干看搭配” 02.23 …the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 23 … means method medium measure 对等结构 06.17 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are 17 programs that address the many needs of the homeless. complex comprehensive complementary compensating 04.22-25 Theories 21 on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior 22 they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through 23 with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 24 to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, 25 as a rejection of middle-class values. 22.before unless until because 23 interactions assimilation cooperation consultation 24. return reply reference response 25. or but rather but or else ②总分结构 Changes in the social structure may indirectly 29 juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that 30 to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment 31 make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. 29. affect reduce check reflect And题 02.24 As was discussed before, it was not 22 the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 23, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 24 of the periodical. 22. after


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