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题目:天涯海角 ;曾经有一个男孩和一个女孩,他们在高中互相帮助,共同学习,一起吃饭,一起运动,不知不觉的产生了感情,坠入了爱河。因为高考的缘故,他们在不同的大学。他们的感情出现了危机。 There was once a boy and a girl, they help each other in high school, learning together, eating together, playing together, unconsciously they fell in love with each other.However,because of the university entrance exam, they are in different university. Crisis in their feelings.;单:你在干吗? What are you doing? 单:吃饭了吗? Have a meal? 单:最近你学习紧张吗? Are you nervous in studying recently? 单:好,呵呵! OK,haha!(!!!!点音乐) 马:你喜欢现在的生活吗? Do you like life now? 单:怎么了? What’s the matter? 马:最近两个月,你给我打了三个电话。每个电话的内容都是一样的?你是在敷衍我,不在乎我的感受! In recent two months, you phoned me three times. Content of every chatting is the same. you dont care about me!;单:确实最近有点忙,学习和社团里的事情需要解决。 A little busy recently, the things of learning and club need to solve. 周:停下吧,不要把你的借口说的那么理所当然。大学已经让我们变得疏远了。我们分手吧! Stop, dont take your excuse for granted. The region has let us become alienated. We break up! 单:不,不要啊。我会注意的(挂断) No,no. Ill notice it. 我必须要当面说清楚。 I have to speak clearly face to face.;旁白:坐上了远方的列车,想去挽回这段濒临绝境的感情。他出发了,但是他看见了最不想看到的事情。 He sits at the distance of the train, want to go to save the endangered feelings. He set off, but he saw what he dont want to see .;马:今天我男朋友说要来。 my boyfriend said he would come today 新南:挺好的啊,你不是一直挺想他的吗? quite good ah, you always miss him? 马:不,他是个努力的人?我不想让他分心。因为我爱他,所以我要离开他。你能不能假装我的男朋友?让他死了这条心! no, he is a hard man. I dont want to distract him. Because I love him, so I want to leave him. Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? Let him give up it. 新南:(停顿,),好吧。我理解你 ok. I understand you.;;单:他是谁?为什么? Who was he?why? 马:他肯出时间陪我,你不能。放手! He can be in company with me ,you can’t. Let me go 单:不,我喜欢你的。 No, I like you. 马:松手(一巴掌) Let me go 新男:放开她,现在她是我女朋友。你不能给她幸福,你是个失败者,懦夫。我们走 Let go of her, she is my girlfriend now. You cant give her happiness, you are a loser, a coward. ;单:等等!我有话要说。 Wait for me. I have something to say. 单:Many times, not because time and space blocks our love, just because of our own heart. One


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