止咳绝招(Cough killer).doc

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止咳绝招(Cough killer)

止咳绝招(Cough killer) Cough killer Four cough with egg 1. fried eggs with vinegar for cough Vinegar fried egg treatment of cough wonders. It is: 1 egg, stir up in the bowl, half a teaspoon of vinegar into the wok, after the fire to boil the egg into the fried eggs cooked, add appropriate amount of sugar, cold after eating. Eat 1 in the morning and evening. Generally eat two times can cough, in 3 days may be more severe. W 2. fried eggs with ginger, cough up Take a small piece of ginger, chop it up, one egg, and a little sesame oil, like fried eggs. After frying, take hot while eating, two times a day, cough a few days later. This medicine delicious and curative effect is good, long cough does not heal, lung without exception can try. 3. ginger fried egg, cough Take ginger dice or silk, the egg into the bowl and mix well, then put a little oil into the pot, then add ginger oil over, then pour into the egg fried, hot to eat. The amount of food you can control yourself, and eat better before going to bed at night. 4. mix eggs with sugar to cure cough People suffering from chronic bronchitis, colds cough after prone to chest pain, shortness of breath, upset. With egg white sugar, after cooking, the effect is very good. The method is as follows: take a fresh egg, knock in a small bowl, dont break, egg yolk protein, adding sugar and a spoonful of vegetable oil, put the pot of water boiling in the septum, the night before hot finish time. After 2~3 coughs, you will recover. Cough, stubborn, can eat more times. 37/ walnut cough three methods 1. sesame walnut wine, kidney, cough Homemade sesame walnut wine is helpful for relieving cough and treating lumbago. Take 500 grams of white wine as an example. Add 30 grams of black sesame seeds and 30 grams of walnut kernel. Seal well and put in a cool place. Soak for 15 days. Drink 2 times a day, 15 grams each time. 2. water chestnuts walnuts for whooping cough Children suffering from pertussis, with water chestnuts and walnuts togethe


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