针灸取穴(Acupuncture and acupoint selection).doc

针灸取穴(Acupuncture and acupoint selection).doc

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针灸取穴(Acupuncture and acupoint selection)

针灸取穴(Acupuncture and acupoint selection) Acupuncture and acupoint selection 1- chize: back palm, elbow Weiqu, in the crook of the elbow stripes, biceps tendon at the lateral discharge / lung heat, drop inverse gas. The 2-: the radial forearm, 7 inch wrist stripes / cut Qi, clearing away heat to stop bleeding. 3- Lieque: above the radial styloid process, 1.5 inch wrist stripes, left and right hands when crossing a hand when the index finger is in charge of a wrist radial styloid process, the tip of the index finger refers to small depression / ventilating lung, expelling wind, regulating the circulation. 4-: back palm, thenar when the first metacarpal radial side of the midpoint and the junction of the red and white skin. Qingfei heat, sore throat. 5-: Shaoshang thumb radial distance angle of about 0.1 inch nails / Qingfei Liyan, Su Jue return. 6- Shang Yang: index finger side of the root of the radial nail next to 0.1 inches 7-: Hegu thumb fresh two finger stretch, when the midpoint of the first, second metacarpal, slightly forefinger / Shufeng, jiebiao, analgesia, Tongluo. In three the 8- hand: in Quchi 2 inches. 9- Quchi: elbow flexion at right angles in the cubital fossa radialis transverse head to the midpoint of the lateral epicondyle of humerus / Qufeng table, heat and dampness, regulating Ying and blood. 10-: point Jianyu upper deltoid, between the acromion and the greater tuberosity of humerus, flat shoulder, shoulder sag. Categories: Hand Yang, Yang rocker. 11- Ying Xiang: the nose by 0.5 inches, the nasolabial fold / nose, relieve heat. 12- position: the outside corner of the mouth open by 0.4 inches. 13-: closed, Shimonoseki depression / formed the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch. 14- the first dimension: in the frontal hairline, before the hair of the middle side opening 4.5 inch. 15-: Tianshu paraumbilical open 2 inches. Regulate bowel, regulating qi and relieving stagnation. 16- Liang Qiu: Patella margin of 2 inches / stomach, Tongluo. 17- calf


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