预防疾病和维护健康的好方法——五行蔬菜汤和糙米茶(A good way to prevent disease and maintain health - five lines of vegetable soup and brown rice tea).doc

预防疾病和维护健康的好方法——五行蔬菜汤和糙米茶(A good way to prevent disease and maintain health - five lines of vegetable soup and brown rice tea).doc

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预防疾病和维护健康的好方法——五行蔬菜汤和糙米茶(A good way to prevent disease and maintain health - five lines of vegetable soup and brown rice tea)

预防疾病和维护健康的好方法——五行蔬菜汤和糙米茶(A good way to prevent disease and maintain health - five lines of vegetable soup and brown rice tea) Please recommend to your relatives and friends, hope to help more people. Japanese vegetable soup: the founder of Li Shi and Dr., after 30 years of practice, particularly praised the five vegetable soup, in his book energy-saving book, that drinking five vegetable soup, can obtain the following results: 1, the treatment and prevention of cancer effect; 2. Help the bones of the worn joints return to normal and make them stronger; 3, delaying aging and reproducing youthful vigor; 4, can treat cataract; 5, can treat a variety of reasons caused by acute and chronic leukemia; 6, liver disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases of the head can cure it. White radish, white radish leaves, carrot, burdock letinous edodes, boil soup out, into the culture medium, under the microscope, culture was very active in cancer cells in liquid, a few minutes to die, then the soup to fed mice, mice live more healthy. Scientific research found that a 65 kg person, the body will have about 10 pounds of stool. If we eat improper or metabolic disorders, there will be high blood lipids, blood vessel wall will deposit cholesterol plaques. These are the invisible killers who threaten our health. Take five lines of vegetable soup to help rid the body of toxins and pollutants and supplement the nutrients needed by the cells. As long as the cells of our bodies are healthy, all diseases will be removed. We advocate the concept of health based on prevention, which always drinks five lines of vegetable soup and has good health.. Treatment is not the disease, prevention is the best treatment, prevention is treatment, prevention is better than treatment. Dont wait until the body is full of toxins, outbreaks of illness after drinking the soup. Start often drink soup from now on, is to protect the health of. Recipe and practice of five elements v


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