中医调养(Recuperation of Chinese Medicine).doc

中医调养(Recuperation of Chinese Medicine).doc

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中医调养(Recuperation of Chinese Medicine)

中医调养(Recuperation of Chinese Medicine) Today, the basic work is inseparable from the computer, sitting in front of the computer every day, from time to time to stay up late, bad sitting posture, long time, the body will protest against you. Therefore, some suitable for special computer family medicine tea, the operation is convenient, can help you deal with radiation, but also protect your eyes, Chufan solution. First, medlar tea. With medlar 15 grams, add water for 30 minutes, to be warm tea for future generations. This product contains rich Zhuo carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, liver, kidney, eyesight role. The sour taste is sweet, whether it is tea or direct chewing. It is delicious. Eye soreness, fatigue, vision of computer owners more better the role of adjuvant therapy. Two chrysanthemum tea. Use dried chrysanthemum 10 grams, medlar 5 grams, honey appropriate amount. Add water, boil the offspring, and drink tea. With eyesight, liver, clearing heat, Jieyu role. Computer gens often drink, can alleviate the fatigue of eye ministry. Three. Cassia seed tea. 250 grams of cassia seed, slightly fried yellow, you can use 25 grams of tea brewing each time. It has heat, eyesight, make up brain, the town of Qi, the beneficial role of bones, if people with constipation can drink after dinner, have a good curative effect for the treatment of constipation. Four, Eucommia tea. Use 12 grams of Eucommia ulmoides and boil with water every day. Eucommia has the effect of enriching blood and strong gluten, the role of adjuvant therapy in very often sedentary, backache, both men and women can drink, if a female friend can be taken at the end of the period. Five, two fruit green tea. Take 10 grams of green tea, 10 red dates, 10 grams of figs and some rock sugar. Add boiled water. Green Tea contains potent thermal oxidizing catechol and vitamin C, not only can remove free radicals, but also the adrenal cortex to secrete antagonismstress hormones, containing a small amo



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