中医辨证治疗慢性胃炎106例(Treatment of 106 cases of chronic gastritis with TCM syndrome differentiation).doc

中医辨证治疗慢性胃炎106例(Treatment of 106 cases of chronic gastritis with TCM syndrome differentiation).doc

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中医辨证治疗慢性胃炎106例(Treatment of 106 cases of chronic gastritis with TCM syndrome differentiation)

中医辨证治疗慢性胃炎106例(Treatment of 106 cases of chronic gastritis with TCM syndrome differentiation) Treatment of 106 cases of chronic gastritis with TCM syndrome differentiation Update Date: 01-08 Abstract: [Objective] to investigate the curative effect of Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic gastritis. Methods 106 cases of chronic gastritis were treated with TCM syndrome differentiation. Results there were excellent in 89 cases, good in 7 cases, fair in 6 cases, poor in 4 cases, and the total effective rate was 96.2%. Conclusion Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of chronic gastritis. [Key words] chronic gastritis; TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment Chronic gastritis is a chronic inflammatory change of gastric mucosa caused by a variety of different reasons, which is the most common stomach disease, and belongs to the category of stomachache in Chinese medicine. The main symptoms of epigastric pain, with Pan evil, Zhongwan nausea, belching, abnormal stool and other symptoms. The clinical course is long and the condition is easy to relapse. Therefore, the treatment is rather difficult. After many years of trial and error, according to the causes and pathogenesis of chronic gastritis, the author treated 106 cases of this disease from 2003 to 2007. The total effective rate was 96.2%, and the curative effect was satisfactory. The report is summarized as follows. 1 clinical information There were 61 males and 45 females in this group. The average age was 42 years (range 24~76 years). The course of disease ranged from 1.5 to 20 years, with an average of 10 years. The mean age was 106 years. Atrophic gastritis 36 cases, superficial gastritis 22 cases, reflux gastritis 19 cases, erosive gastritis 15 cases, stomach and duodenal ulcer 12 cases, gastric hemorrhage 2 cases. 2 differentiation of symptoms and signs The basic pathogenesis of chronic gastritis can be summed up as stagnation of liver qi, spleen deficiency and stomach sthenia. The liver is not



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