中药学复习题(Review of Chinese Materia Medica).doc

中药学复习题(Review of Chinese Materia Medica).doc

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中药学复习题(Review of Chinese Materia Medica)

中药学复习题(Review of Chinese Materia Medica) First, judge a problem: every day 1 points, a total of 10 points. 1., the newly revised materia medica contains 921 kinds of domestic and foreign medicine. 2., the purpose of the Euphorbia with vinegar is to strengthen the water and drink. 3. hemp seed, cassia seed, Fructus Psoraleae can laxative. 4. of gastrointestinal digestion medicine and stimulating drugs are advised after meals. 5. Qianghuo treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, especially for those on the body. 6. apophlegmatisant, also for the treatment of gall scrofula syndrome. 7. aloes belongs to Wen Li medicine. 8. perilla with semen Raphani and antiasthmatic expectorant effect. 9. ginseng and trogopterus dung and belongs to the field of medicine seven in fear compatibility. 10. papaya has Shujin, Qi and dampness. Two, single choice: every day 2 points, a total of 30 points. 11., both heat clearing and detoxifying, but also can eliminate carbuncle, purulent drugs are: () A. B. C. D. Folium tonkinensis Patrinia Pulsatilla 12. deficiency caused by women uterine bleeding, should be selected: (a) A. 37 B. C. D. argyi pollen Typhae Burnet 13. drugs that can dissipate cold and warm the lung are: () A. B. C. D. of Elsholtzia Asarum Schizonepeta Perilla 14. the effect of cinnabar is: () A. town Anshen Qianyang B. C. D. and liver calming nerves 15. drugs which can invigorate the circulation of blood and promote qi and remove jaundice are: () Chen B. C. A. bacteria Artemisia Corydalis D. zedoary turmeric 16. which of the following is the function of areca? () A. elimination, B. insecticidal, C. antidiarrheal, D. Qi Qi The 17. is: (a) indigo A. B. astringent drug antirheumatic drug D. C. dampness elimination drugs 18. Gansui into pills each time the amount of powder is: (a) A.0.5 - 1g B.0.05 - 0.1g C.2 - 5g D.5 - 15g 19. the effect of Uncaria is: () A. extinguish wind, stop convulsion, dispel wind and brighten eyesight, B. extinguish wind, stop convulsion, eliminate heat and cal



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