医学微生物学(b1型题3)(Medical Microbiology (B1 type 3)).doc

医学微生物学(b1型题3)(Medical Microbiology (B1 type 3)).doc

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医学微生物学(b1型题3)(Medical Microbiology (B1 type 3))

医学微生物学(b1型题3)(Medical Microbiology (B1 type 3)) A, B1 type questions: the following provides several groups of questions, each exam questions in the forefront of common A, B, C, D, E five answers. Please choose from a problem with the closest answer, the corresponding letter and the corresponding number on the answer card, which belongs to the black box. Some answers may be selected one or more selected or not. (1-3 share answers) A. cell killing infection B. steady state infection The integration of C. infection D. slow virus infection The latent infection of E. 1. poliovirus infected cells will cause 2. belong to SSPE caused by measles virus infection 3. influenza virus infection can cause Answer: 1.A; 2.D; 3.B (4-6 share answers) A. of Bacillus anthracis Brucella B. C. of Clostridium botulinum D. of Yersinia pestis E. of Clostridium tetani 4. bead test positive 5. can produce exotoxin of gram negative bacteria 6. spread by rat fleas Answer: 4.A; 5.D; 6.D (7-10 share answers) A. detection of specific antibody Detection of antigen specific B. C. check Negri body D. inclusion body Detection of E. virus surface antigen 7.AIDS 8. rabies 9. CT 10.HBV infection Answer: 7.A; 8.C; 9.D; 10.E (11-15 share answers) A. burning B.. C. dry roasted Infrared D. E. pasteurization 11. glass, porcelain etc. 12. waste materials, animal carcasses 13. medical equipment 14. microbiology laboratory tube etc. 15. milk Answer: 11.C; 12.A; 13.D; 14.B; 15.E (16-20 share answers) A. Felix test B. Widal test C. cold agglutination test D.Ascolis test E. anti chain O test 16. diagnosis of typhoid fever is 17. diagnosis of tsutsugamushi disease is 18. diagnosis of anthrax is The 19. is the diagnosis of rheumatic disease 20. diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia is Answer: 16.B; 17.A; 18.D; 19.E; 20.C (21-23 share answers) A. endotoxin B. hemolysin Enterotoxin C. D. lecithinase E.TSST-1 The pathogenic factors of 21. Vibrio cholerae The pathogenic factors of 22. Salmonella typhi 23. virulence factors o


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