医学考研西医综合之内科学复习篇(A review of internal medicine in the study of integrated Western Medicine).doc

医学考研西医综合之内科学复习篇(A review of internal medicine in the study of integrated Western Medicine).doc

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医学考研西医综合之内科学复习篇(A review of internal medicine in the study of integrated Western Medicine)

医学考研西医综合之内科学复习篇(A review of internal medicine in the study of integrated Western Medicine) It is called Beck triad, which is frequently seen in acute pericardial tamponade. Acute coronary insufficiency: also referred to as the intermediate syndrome, which occurs during rest or sleep and lasts longer than 30 minutes to over 1 hours. However, there is no objective basis for myocardial infarction, which is often the prelude to myocardial infarction Post infarction angina and angina within one month after the onset of acute myocardial infarction, blood supply due to coronary artery occlusion, myocardial infarction, myocardial necrosis but not completely, not a part of myocardial necrosis in severe ischemia caused pain, at any time again occurrence of myocardial infarction may be. When Myocardial hibernating: was the long-term reduction of myocardial perfusion, myocardial tissue can maintain the survival, but also in a persistent low left ventricular function, when blood flow is restored, the heart function can also return to normal. The heart with less blood supply is called hibernating myocardium. Sudden death (Sudden death): natural occurring, unexpected sudden death, WHO prescribed sudden death within 6 hours of onset of death Myocardial stunning: myocardial stunning, myocardial ischemia after coronary reperfusion to save the remaining ventricular muscle, although no myocardial necrosis, but cardiac dysfunction persists for more than 1 weeks (including myocardial contractility, reserve and ultrastructure of high-energy phosphate bond is not normal), in the recovery of blood flow after systolic and diastolic dysfunction after long time. Improve gradually, this phenomenon is called myocardial stunning Insulin Resistance: due to the relative lack of physiological function of insulin, the organizational capacity to use sugar decreased, resulting in elevated blood sugar, stimulate the islet cell secretion of insulin, resulting in hyperinsulinemia, called insulin resistanc


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