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北大教育经济研究(电子季刊) Economics of Education Research (Beida) 第8 卷第3 期 北京大学教育经济研究所主办 (总第28 期) Institute of Economics of Education, Peking University 主编:闵维方;副主编:丁小浩 阎凤桥; 编辑:岳昌君 孙冰玉 我国高校联合招生行为研究及其经济学分析 潘昆峰 李扬1 【摘 要】本文探讨了高校自主招生过程中存在的联合招生行为,通过建立学生报考的理性预 期模型,对比了独立招生与联合招生条件下各高校的效用。模型的数值模拟结果表明:学生 的选择受到高校质量与录取概率两方面影响,高校的联合招生可以带给学生多次录取的机会 从而提高学生的录取概率,使得联盟高校能够吸引到更加优质的生源,从而打垮竞争对手。 联盟中的每个学校都是受益者。对于未结盟高校,则可以通过增加考试名额、改善考试的区 分度这两个途径来获取竞争优势。 【关键词】自主招生,联合招生,理性预期 Study of Chinese Joint University Admission Behavior and Its Economic Analysis Pan kunfeng Li Yang Abstract: This article discusses the joint behavior in university autonomous admission. By building the rational expectation model of students in the applying, we compare the universities’ utility under different strategies: joint or independent. The numerical simulation of the model shows that students’ school choices are influenced by the quality of university and the admission probability. The joint admission of universities can give students more opportunities to be admitted and also help these universities attract more excellent students. Every school of the alliance benefits from this strategy. As for the university which does not take part in the alliance, it can gain advantage in competition by adding its quota or improving the discrimination of examination. Key words: autonomous admission, joint admission, rational expectation 1 潘昆峰,博士生,北京大学教育学院教育经济与管理系。研究方向:教育经济、教育政策 李 扬,博士生,北京大学信息科学与技术学院。研究方向:量子电子学 第8 卷第3 期 北大教育经济研究(电子季刊) (总第28 期) Economics of Education Research (Beida) 20 10 年9 月 一、联合招生——我国高校自主招生新趋势 招生行为是高等学校的重要行为,决定着学校录取的生源质量,进而


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