娱乐美联英语 关于蝙蝠侠不为人知的十大趣闻(上).doc

娱乐美联英语 关于蝙蝠侠不为人知的十大趣闻(上).doc

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娱乐美联英语 关于蝙蝠侠不为人知的十大趣闻(上)

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 关于蝙蝠侠不为人知的十大趣闻(上) Batman is one of Americas most beloved superheroes, and comic books first anti-heroes. Over the years hes been in movies, video games and television and has gone through many changes. While virtually everyone knows something about Batman, theres a lot that many dont know. Heres a list of some things you probably never heard about the Caped Crusader. 作为漫画作品中第一个反英雄角色,也是美国人民最喜欢的超级英雄之一的蝙蝠侠,他的形象多年来活跃于各种媒体之中,包括电影、游戏、电视剧等,其人物设定和剧情也经历了多次变化。接下来,小编将带领大家一同了解这位黑暗骑士背后不为人知的故事。 10.Batman the gunslinger 10.老爷原来也用枪 老爷原来也用枪 It took a little time for Bob Kane to refine the Batman character. Nowadays, Batman not only refuses to use guns, but hates them completely. This is logical, considering a gun killed his parents, and ever since he has stalwartly refused to use firearms in his crime fighting. However, in early issues Batman was something of a costumed Sherlock Homes, doing more detective work than fighting, but still carrying a six-gun at his side on his night patrols. Bob Kane soon changed this, saying that Batman wearing a gun didnt Feel Right. 为了塑造蝙蝠侠这一角色,漫画家鲍勃·凯恩(Bob Kane)可谓下了不少功夫。现在的蝙蝠侠不仅拒绝使用枪支,更是对枪械恨之入骨。因为蝙蝠侠的父母均死于枪杀,所以在各种打击犯罪的活动中便都拒绝使用枪支。然而,在早期发行的漫画版本中,蝙蝠侠更像是身着披风的神探夏洛克,其角色定位更偏向于一个侦探,而不是打击犯罪的超级英雄,所以每次夜间巡逻时,他都会配备一把左轮枪在身上。但是出版没多久,鲍勃·凯恩就改变了这一设定,因为他说总觉得别着枪的蝙蝠侠感觉不对。 9.The Seduction of the Innocent 9.《纯真的诱惑》 纯真的诱惑 In 1954, Dr. Frederic Wertham a German-American Psychiatrist published the infamous Seduction of the Innocent A book that claimed comic books, with their violent imagery, were contributing to juvenile delinquency. Most of the book focused on crime and horror comics, but superhero comics were targeted in a few instances. One notorious account claimed that Batman and Robin were a depiction of a gay couple. Of course, this is ridiculous, but many think this claim is what inspired writers to make Batman (or more accurately, Bruce Wayne) a shameless womanizer to help chase off the rumor. 19


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