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中南财经政法大学自学考试本科毕业生论文 (初 稿) 论文题目: 城市工业与乡镇工业发展的比较研究 考生姓名: 李玲 专 业: 工商企业管理 准考证号: 014410210052 指导老师: 通讯地址: 长江职业学院计算机网络091班 邮政编码: 430000 联系电话: 日 期: 2011 年 7 月 8 日 中南财经政法大学自考办制 摘要 通过城市工业化与乡镇工业化的比较, 剖析乡村工业化的形成与缺陷, 城市工业化的兴起与优势。 阐述了城市工业化城市化的动力机制和推动我国工业化城市化进程的价值取向。 市场取向和吸纳农民的工业化、 城市化, 是社会历史发展的一般规律, 也是国家现代化的过程和重要标志。 虽然长期以来, 由于特殊的国情和时代背景, 我国政府主要倡导乡村工业化、 城镇化的发展模式; 然而随着人们对客观经济规律的认识和把握, 从2000 年以来, 各地普遍启动并呈现极大活力的, 恰恰是以城市规模扩张和结构优化为特征的城郊工业化、 城市化的发展模式。 对这一现象进行深入的研究, 弄清我国城郊工业化城市化的发展脉络和动力机制, 无疑对推动我国工业化城市化具有重要的现实的意义。 关键词:工业化; 城市化; 城郊; 乡村; 城镇化;城市工业,乡镇工业 Abstract Through the city of industrialization and the industrialization of villages and towns comparison, analysis of rural industrialization formation and defects of the city industrialization, the rise and dominance.Elaborated the city industrialized city to change dynamical mechanism and promote our country industrialized city changes a course value orientation. Market orientation and induct farmer industrialization, city to change, is the social history development general rule, is also the country in the process of modernization and important sign.Although for a long time, because of the special national conditions and era background, our country government advocate of rural industrialization and urbanization development model; however along with the people to the objective economic law understanding and grasping, from 2000 since, widespread throughout the start and present great vitality, it is with the city scale expansion and structure optimization for the characteristics of the suburbs industrialized, city to change development pattern.On the phenomenon of in-depth study, find out our country industrialization of outskirts of a city city of development and dynamic mech


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