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市场经济条件下城市公共配套设施配置的社会公平与公正 摘要:在市场经济条件下,随着公共设施开发建设主体与使用主体的多元化需求,原有的配置标准难以适应当前发展要求。顺应社会经济变化趋势和发展要求,国内很多城市都在根据本地区实际,改进公共配套设施规划的思路,积极探索“以人为本”满足社会公平的公共配套设施体系。 杭州市萧山区位于中国沿海经济发达地区,在社会经济发展目标不断提升的同时,为解决现实中的公共配套设施配建矛盾,本文根据《杭州市城市规划公共服务设施基本配套规定》和萧山区实际,结合《杭州市萧山区北干西单元控制性详细规划》,对公共配套设施的配置标准、配置实践,对控规层面的公共配套设施布局进行系统研究,以期能够清楚把握规划实践中存在的问题和不足,为城市公共配套设施布局的规划导向转变和规划方法改进提出合理建议。 关键词:公共配套设施; 社会公平 abstract: the urban functions have been improved rapidly in terms of quantities and qualities. under the conditions of market economy, however, the most of the codes for the allocating of public service facilities in urban planning set up in the era of planned economy are no loner suitable for the current situations with the diversity of the beneficial. applying marketing principle simply is prone to market failure which will lead to the lost of social justice. realizing the trend of social and economic transformation, many cities in china have been trying to create new models of distributing public facilities in the processes of urban planning. xiaoshan, one of the districts of hangzhou, is located in the coastal area of east china. as it is an economically developed area, the urban size has expanded dramatically these years. to allocate the public resources evenly and justly, a set of codes have been set up to meet the demanding of new situations in xiaoshan from 2008. the purpose of the essay is to explore the planning effectiveness by applying the new codes in a relatively developed area. it consists of five parts which are the definition of social justice in city, the context and existing issues, the primary characteristics of local area, the basic standard of codes and the analysis for a typical unit in the system of local regulatory plans. key words:public facilities;social justice 中图分类号:文献标识码:a文章编号: 1、研究背景 公共配套设施与居民的日常生活密切相关,随着住房由计划经济下的产物向市场经济下的“商品”的特性的转变,围绕商品住宅开发的配建公共设施的纠纷与摩擦日益增多。原来的诸多公共设施配套标准规范源于当时的计划经济时代,较好的指导了当时的公共服务设施建设;但在市场经济条件下,随着公共设施开发建设主体与使用主体的多元化需求,原有的配置标准难以适应当前新的形势需求。 当前政府职能也经历着由“经


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