oracle 导入导出(Oracle导入导出).doc

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oracle 导入导出(Oracle导入导出)

oracle 导入导出(Oracle导入导出) Function: Oracle data import and export imp/exp is equivalent to Oracle data restore and backup. Most cases can be imported and exported using Oracle data to complete data backup and restore (without losing data). Oracle has a benefit, although your computer is not a server, but you installed the Oracle client, and established a connection (by local service Net8 assistant -- add the correct name naming service In fact, you can think of the client and server side of the road to repair, and then the data can be pulled over This way you can export the data to the local, although the server may be far away from you. You can also import DMP files from native to remote database servers. With this feature, you can build two identical databases, one for testing and one for formal use. Execution environment: can be executed in SQLPLUS.EXE or DOS (command line), When DOS can be executed, directory \ora81\BIN is set to global path because the directory 8i is installed in oracle, The directory has EXP.EXE and IMP.EXE files that are used to perform import and export. Oracle is written in Java, and I think SQLPLUS.EXE, EXP.EXE, and IMP.EXE are both files that are packaged. SQLPLUS.EXE calls EXP.EXE, IMP.EXE, and the classes they package to complete import and export functions. The following is an example of import and export, see examples from import and export, basically can complete, because import and export is very simple. Data export: 1 export database TEST completely, User name system password manager is exported to D:\daochu.dmp Exp system/manager@TEST file=d:\daochu.dmp full=y 2 export the system user in the database to the table of the sys user Exp, system/manager@TEST, file=d:\daochu.dmp, owner= (system, Sys) 3 export tables table1 and table2 from the database Exp, system/manager@TEST, file=d:\daochu.dmp, tables= (table1, table2) 4 export the field filed1 in the table table1 in the database to data that starts with 00 Exp system/manager@TEST, fi



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