iis无法安装(IIS cannot install).doc

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iis无法安装(IIS cannot install)

iis无法安装(IIS cannot install) XP SP3 cannot install the IIS solution is as follows: (2009-03-11 08:24:57) IIS SP3 Windows XP computer label: non-woven bag yellow Tangjun special cannot change it classification: Yellow Tangjun feature can not change the computer reproduced XP SP3 cannot install IIS. The solution is as follows: Turn on the control panel in turn add, delete programs add, delete windows components - attachments and tools - details - Games - detailed information, Remove the hook before the ZInternet game, and then install the IIS! How do I delete and reinstall the Internet information service (IIS) version 5 and 5.1?. This distribution guide describes how to delete and reinstall the Internet information services (IIS) version 5 and 5.1. Backup IIS configuration If you have installed IIS 5 (with Microsoft Windows 2000 or IIS (5.1) Windows XP provided with Microsoft Professional), you may need to configure the backup, delete and reinstall the IIS before this, when you need to restore the configuration, do not have to rebuild all your Web site from scratch. To backup the IIS configuration, follow these steps: Note: this backup method only restore the IIS settings without restoring the content file. This backup method is invalid if you reinstall the operating system. The backup file cannot be used to copy the IIS settings on a computer to other computers running Windows2000. 1. click start, point to the program, click administration tools, and click Internet service manager. Two Expand server name. 3. for IIS 5: Click action, and then click backup / restore configuration. For IIS 5.1: Click action, click all tasks, and then click backup / restore configuration. 4. click create backup, name the backup file, and then click ok. Note: if you are using Windows XP, you can also encrypt the backup by clicking selected, using password, and then providing and confirming the password. Note: the default backup location is the%SystemRoot%system32inetsrvMetaBack folder. By


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