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oracle还原恢复(oracle还原恢复) Manual backup List backup (before the structure is the same as the tickoo) Export: Start button - run, enter the CMD- to enter the DOS interface EXP username / password @ connection string GRANTS=Y TABLES= (stu) file=C:\ file name.DMP Lead-in: Start button - run, enter the CMD- to enter the DOS interface IMP username / password @ connection string IGNORE=Y TABLES= (stu) FULL=N file=C:\ file name.DMP Where stu is the name of the table you want Full library guidance Export: Start button - run, enter the CMD- to enter the DOS interface EXP username / password @ connection string FULL=Y file=C:\ file name.DMP Lead-in: Start button - run, enter the CMD- to enter the DOS interface IMP username / password @ connection string FULL=Y file=C:\ file name.DMP Automatic backup Recommendation 1: Using task planning, batch processing, and EXP export capabilities of ORACLE, you can automatically generate ORACLE backup files based on dates, which greatly facilitates the backup of ORACLE data. : 1, batch file backup.bat\. Exp, system/manager, file=d:\backup\oracle\oracle%date:~0,10%.dmp, owner=system, log=d:\backup\oracle\oracle%date:~0,10%.log The oracle2006-01-09.dmp file will be generated Exp, system/manager, file=d:\backup\oracle\oracle%date:~11,3%.dmp, owner=system, log=d:\backup\oracle\oracle%date:~11,3%.log The Oracle.Dmp file will be generated on Monday, Note: you need to copy the rar.exe in the program files/winrar directory to the system system32 directory If it is named by week, you need to change the set filename=e:\data_bak\%date:~8,2% day to Set filename=e:\data_bak\%date:~0,3% Recommendation three: The following is the ORACLE automatically backup batch file content, please cooperate with the task plan to achieve @ECHO OFF SET BACKPATH=d:\ ECHO prepares backup database REM a cycle of 7 days IF, EXIST,%BACKPATH%\ONE, GOTO, ONE IF, EXIST,%BACKPATH%\TWO, GOTO, TWO IF, EXIST,%BACKPATH%\THREE, GOTO, THREE IF, EXIST,%BACKPATH%\FOUR, GOTO, FOUR I



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