rman恢复操作(RMAN restore operation).doc

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rman恢复操作(RMAN restore operation)

rman恢复操作(RMAN restore operation) RMAN restore operation - column from Robinson_0612 Recovery operation 1. recovery steps for non system table spaces A. alter datafile n offline immediate alter tablespace tbs_name offline immediate |; B. restore C. recover D. alter datafile n online alter tablespace tbs_name online |; - delete the data file of the non system table space users (the database is in the open state) [oracle@oradb orcl]$PWD /u01/oracle/oradata/orcl [oracle@oradb orcl]$RM users01.dbf Lion@ORCL select * from tb2; Select * from TB2 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01116:, error, in, opening, database, file, 4 ORA-01110:, data, file, 4:,/u01/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf ORA-27041:, unable, to, open, file Linux, Error:, 2:, No, such, file, or, directory Additional information: 3 RMAN run { 2, allocate, channel, ch1, device, type, disk; 3 SQL“更改表空间用户脱机即时”; 4 恢复表空间用户; 5 恢复表空间用户; 6 SQL“更改表空间用户在线”; 7 } 狮子:ORCL 选择*从TB2; 我的名字 ---------- --------------- 1鲁滨孙 也可以使用下面的恢复方式来完成恢复 RMAN 运行{ 2 分配通道CH1设备类型磁盘; 3“SQL”使数据文件4离线”; 4 恢复数据文件4; 5 恢复数据文件4; 6“SQL”使数据文件4在线”; 7 } 如果介质恢复时,需要用的日志尚未归档,需要指定联机重做日志文件所在的位置 注意 表空间几种不同的脱机方式 脱机正常: 表空间脱机的缺省方式, The data block (blocks) associated with all data files in the table space (SGA) is written to the data file before being offline There is no need for media recovery again on line. Offline temporary: The checkpoint process is implemented, i.e., the data block (blocks) associated with all data files in the SGA space is also written to the data file before being offline There is no guarantee that all data can be written to the data file. Restore media when you are online again. Offline immediate: There is no guarantee that the data in the tablespace is available, nor does the checkpoint process take place directly offline, and the media is resumed when it is online again. Offline, temporary, offline, immediate offline does not apply to data files Lion@ORCL, alter, database, datfile, 4, offline, immediate; Alter database datfile 4 offline immediate



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