北宋名将种师道(The Northern Song Dynastys Zhongshidao).doc

北宋名将种师道(The Northern Song Dynastys Zhongshidao).doc

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北宋名将种师道(The Northern Song Dynastys Zhongshidao)

北宋名将种师道(The Northern Song Dynastys Zhongshidao) Zhongshidao, Northern Song Dynastys word Yi Shu. He followed the hours of Zhang Zais learning, because the ancestors feats can be added three classes serve through the examination after the change for the civil service, Dan Renxi, director of the same Valley County officials push. There \ hit land lawsuit, after two years of leave. Zhongshidao read lengthy files from morning to evening did not read. Zhongshidao didnt dwell on this mission is not clear now, but that \ tell only mother and brother, this case in the ancient filial piety can \ in order to conceal this point deliberately set the text maze. Zhongshidao to lift Qin Feng Changping, Yuanzhou -. Because he talked about Cai Jings military service law does, to make residential, de Shun army. Then the Cai Jing gang GanXie and accuse him slander the martyrs, he dismissed from office, and down again on one foot on the ground, he was included in the party. Zhongshidao screen is waste after ten years, only in the martial arts doctor, Zhong Zhouci Shi, Jingyuan are known with the identity of the seal jurisdiction. Xixia Xixia request boundary envoy Jiao Yanjian must be old, Zhongshidao said: if the old haunt, when the Han and Tang is positive, the less your territory. Jiao Yanjian was speechless. Tongguan master would West, a road authority, officials see him together to make Zhongshidao with. Zhongshidao called Beijing Huizong border Zhongshidao consulting, said: the first war impossible, enemy invasion is not a good idea to make a tit for tat, frivolous. Tongguan planning to migrate mainland archers enrich border, said to be the new frontier of recruitment. Song Huizong and Zhongshidao consulting, said: Im afraid I Zhongshidao Archer has not the frontier in the mainland has harassed meritorious service. Song Huizong praised his advice, gave him clothes, gold belt, and appointed him to raise Qin Feng archers. At that time, five officials were set up, and Song Huizong s


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