pc智能手机的windows根目录(The windows root directory of PC smartphones).doc

pc智能手机的windows根目录(The windows root directory of PC smartphones).doc

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pc智能手机的windows根目录(The windows root directory of PC smartphones)

pc智能手机的windows根目录(The windows root directory of PC smartphones) How do I set up the right call menu and call up the ICR call recording - HTC Raphael/Touch P?... 7 replies - posting time: May 7, 2009 ROM with ICR, the program also has related projects, but is on the phone menu to see the menu item call, download a few cab package, look inside the file and registry entries are now on the mobile phone and I as like as two peas,... B/thread-5790-1-1.html 2011-11-5 - Baidu snapshot HTC ICR English search results - from HTC, In, Call, Recording (HTC, ICR) - QVGA - PPCGeeks Finally came across a QVGA version / of HTC ICR and it installs and doesnt freeze the phone like other VGA versions I have tried. But for some F/htc-vogue/60769-htc-call... In, Call, Recording (ICR), is, working, on, Raphael - XDA -... Starting, a, new, thread, always, questionable, but, this, is, something, quite, new, and, it, seems, that, still,, many, people, is, dont, ICR-breakthrough, know, about... F/showthread.php? T=474920? HTC, ICR,.Cab - XDA-Developers Is, there, a, cab, available, this., Nothing, came, up, for, it, for, in, the,, search., I, would, like... 它是做什么的?什么是ICR?…通话录音。I. .. /showthread.php?T = 746462 更多必应英文结果 callerloc有一个插件,可以在通话时直接调用通话面板中的”菜单”-“录制”(WM6.5的便签录音功能)自动进行录音。 2缺点但该插件有 1、无法更改录音保存位置,默认保存机身 2、录音格式无法更改,致使所录文件过大,机身无法容纳(覆盖前面所录) -------------------------------------------- 1、有没有哪一款插件可以调用通话面板中的”菜单”-“开始录制”(ICR录音功能)自动进行录音 2、有没办法创建一个icr录音功能”的快捷方式(例如:ICR。LNK),打开LNK则直接录音ICR。 如果2有办法,则可以利用callerloc的文本文件来直接调用ICR。LNK进行录音,解决2个缺点。 经验教程] Pocket PC的Windows根目录下自带的那些程序对应的功能智能手机的 智能手机,口袋,Windows,目录,程序 首先,我们先来看设置目录: 设置--密码\ Windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain。CPL,1,0 设置--主人信息\ Windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain。CPL,2,0 Settings - power, \Windows\ctlpnl.exe, cplmain.cpl, 3,0 Settings -- memory \Windows\ctlpnl.exe, cplmain.cpl, 4,0 Settings -- about \Windows\ctlpnl.exe, cplmain.cpl, 5,0 Settings - backlit \Windows\ctlpnl.exe, cplmain.cpl, 6,0 Settings -- adjust the screen \Windows\ctlpnl.exe, cplmain.cpl, 7,0 S



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