宝应县城中小学有效课堂教学模式阐述(Effective classroom teaching model of urban primary school in Baoying County).doc

宝应县城中小学有效课堂教学模式阐述(Effective classroom teaching model of urban primary school in Baoying County).doc

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宝应县城中小学有效课堂教学模式阐述(Effective classroom teaching model of urban primary school in Baoying County)

宝应县城中小学有效课堂教学模式阐述(Effective classroom teaching model of urban primary school in Baoying County) Effective classroom teaching model of urban primary school The overall mode of effective classroom in our school is three steps and six links teaching model. The three step is the three step: preview -- Study -- practice. The six ring six links: clear tasks, Keqianyuxi; preschool examination, teaching by learning; autonomous learning; study goal, feedback and communication, skillfully shifting; classroom practice, accumulation and consolidation; sum up and extend the migration. The teachers and students play a role in the limited teaching time, give full play to the potential of teachers, activate students thinking, so that students in the least possible time and effort, most have learned knowledge, understand more things, cultivating stronger abilities. First, model study: Preview Preparation is the preparation of students for classroom learning, and it is the initial stage for students to practice self-study. Effective preview is an important prerequisite and guarantee for efficient classroom, so that students receive challenges during the preview process, activate thinking, read more, feel life, and get close to the text. Our classroom is only adhere to the Preview in advance, in order to enable students to gradually form a show and self ability and self penned general degree. 1, clear the task, preview before class. For primary school students, the preview can not be completely let go, according to the different grades, appropriate guidance, preview task layout, content, requirements, methods. When setting up preview tasks, we should pay attention to: first of all, the form should be varied, and a single exercise type preview is not advisable. For example: social practice, survey visits, looking for information, online inquiries, etc. can be regarded as preview. Previewing does not mean moving the contents of the information book to the textbook. Next, let students un


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