不喝酒的理由(Reasons for not drinking).doc

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不喝酒的理由(Reasons for not drinking)

不喝酒的理由(Reasons for not drinking) Im going to go to the civil service. I have one fatal flaw - I must not drink. First, because I really can not drink; two because I am a hepatitis B virus carriers. A toast to scholarship: A method called singled out, everyone is a toast, a cup at the end, the king method, must have a good drink it, should be treated equally, so respect for everyone, in order to respect, can not jump, otherwise it is not to go, face. Subordinates tend to respect their leaders in this way. A wholesale, suitable for a small amount of alcohol, is the entire table with respect, people must be dry toast, respect people only shallow drink can also request can respect the whole table to drink. General leadership of subordinates is to take the form of wholesale. The order of toast is from the beginning of respect, from the first to other peoples toast, and then the next respect. There are two orders for the toast. First, respect for the first, and first hand order. The so-called respect for the first, that is, when a table to toast, you must from the highest status, or the oldest, or the guests to respect, respect, and then clockwise direction. The so-called shot for the order, when the table is equal to the age of the person, from the right of the first to start their own respect, turn the clock in turn toast. As for how to persuade each other to drink the wine they respect even more wine, you have to look at the language skills and popularity, have to know and find reasons, circuitous persuasion, but not too much. The first meeting, long time no see, every day, home people, five hundred years ago, a family, alumni, etc., are the reasons for the toast, in short, around a margin of words, enough to let the end of the cup to drink at least one cup. To properly, to deepen the impression to enhance the exchange of feelings, respect is not good, the wine on the table to argue some things are even part. If you do not want to drink, then from the beginning to find


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