仓库温湿度控制管理规定(Regulations for the control of temperature and humidity in warehouses).doc

仓库温湿度控制管理规定(Regulations for the control of temperature and humidity in warehouses).doc

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仓库温湿度控制管理规定(Regulations for the control of temperature and humidity in warehouses)

仓库温湿度控制管理规定(Regulations for the control of temperature and humidity in warehouses) I. purpose The system for the warehouse temperature and humidity provisions, to ensure that after storage of materials, finished products do not deteriorate. Ensure the warehouse has good storage conditions and meet the requirements of warehouse quality management system. Two, scope Applicable to warehouse temperature and humidity management. Three, management responsibility Four, responsibilities 1. warehouse keeper shall ensure good storage conditions to meet warehouse quality assurance system requirements 2. warehouse keeper (warehouse inventory manager) should regularly check the warehouse quality management system implementation. Five, management points Management of temperature and humidity To do warehouse temperature and humidity management, we must first learn and master the basic concepts of air temperature and humidity, as well as the basic knowledge. (1) air temperature Air temperature refers to the degree of heat and cold of air. Generally speaking, the nearer the ground is, the higher the temperature is, the farther away from the ground, the lower the temperature. In the warehouse daily temperature management, more than 10 degrees Celsius, where 0 degrees below, in degrees before adding a -, that is, how many degrees Celsius below zero. (2) air humidity; Air humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air or the degree of air humidity. Air humidity, mainly in the following ways: Absolute humidity The absolute humidity, water vapor amount refers to the unit volume of the air in the actual content, generally in grams. Temperature has a direct influence on absolute humidity. Under normal circumstances, the higher the temperature, the more water vapor evaporates, the greater the absolute humidity; on the contrary, absolute humidity is small. Saturated humidity Saturation humidity is the maximum amount of water vapor that can be contained in a unit volume of air at a g



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