初学者如何快速入门jsp实例分析(How beginners fast entry JSP example analysis).doc

初学者如何快速入门jsp实例分析(How beginners fast entry JSP example analysis).doc

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初学者如何快速入门jsp实例分析(How beginners fast entry JSP example analysis)

初学者如何快速入门jsp实例分析(How beginners fast entry JSP example analysis) How beginners fast entry JSP example analysis 1) JSP (JavaServer Pages) Introduction: in todays world, popular Internet application development mainly include: ASP, PHP, CGI, JSP Other programs, technology have advantages and disadvantages, but the JSP is easy to learn, the characteristics of cross platform, become an independent school in many programs, in just a few years has formed a complete set of standards, and widely used in the fields of e-commerce. In China, JSP has gained more and more attention now. 2) how to quickly master JSP:JSP is actually a JSP definition of some of the tags and JAVA program segments, as well as a mixture of HTML files. So, if you want to master the JSP must first have some knowledge of HTML (or how to design web page), then, the foundation must have JAVA program (to know that JSP is based on the JAVA language), finally is the necessary understanding of the JSP logo (which makes you know how to use JAVA language and HTML assembly complete JSP), and this article here is mainly to the JSP logo and grammar rules are introduced. So it is better to have a little understanding of HTML and JAVA language. If you havent studied it, it doesnt matter. The following introduction will give you a more intuitive understanding of JSP. 3) JSP:JSP is easy to learn and easy to learn. If you have the foundation of HTML, its easy to learn, dont you believe it? Lets take a JSP program for you (simple and classic HelloWord.jsp): %page, language=, Java,% HTML head titleHello World /title /head body, bgcolor=, #FFFFFF %String msg= JSP Example ; / / String object definition Out.println (Hello World!); % %=msg% - show variable values /body /HTML After the operation, in the window on the Hello World JSP Example output string!, how one can understand it, really very simple, remove% logo, the other is the text beyond the ordinary, if you have the basis of hypertext, a look and know;


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