刺络放血(Pricking blood).doc

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刺络放血(Pricking blood)

刺络放血(Pricking blood) Pricking therapy is one of China medical wonderful content, especially in clinical acupuncture and moxibustion, application is very extensive, and the effect is extremely alarming, for thousands of years, all the medical literature in China, although a lot of scattered records of such therapy for medical treatment, but can make a comprehensive arrangement, in clinical application, and for the book is extremely uncommon. I had a Wang Zheng Ma Wen, China pricking blood therapy is a set of various Daquan experience and has recorded physicians throughout the pricking blood therapy data book. I followed his father to learn acupuncture for many years, he used three edged needle therapy, years of illness often ended in severe pain can be restored to health, in an instant. The effect is really unbelievable, this treatment is applicable to any disease, but the effect is not inferior to the needle, ifheavier. Every day I have to the diagnosis and treatment of 100 patients, often use pricking blood therapy in treatment of pain, insomnia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and skin diseases, significant effect. Commonly known as blood pricking bloodletting, also known as the blood, or prick is a sharp instrument (usually triangular needle for), a part of the body in patients with vascular puncture, the outflow of blood, in order to achieve the purpose of medical treatment. Pricking for all kinds of human medical methods, one has the most long history, from the formation of stone and nine and recorded classic of view, pricking therapy plays a very important position in China ancient medicine. Lingshu. Small needle solutions said that in addition to Chen Wan , meaning that chronic illness should be removed by pricking bloodletting. B also said: Sheng meridians, vertical and horizontal to red, is at the upper and lower, such as small needle, such as big band, prickles and diarrhea, which explains the Wanquan application and puncture. Bloodletting rang


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